About Edward Mitchell Bannister

班尼斯特画廊成立于1978年,以纪念爱德华·米切尔·班尼斯特, a notable 19th-century African American artist. Bannister was a prominent member of the Providence art community, 普罗维登斯艺术俱乐部的创始人,也是美国风景画历史上的重要人物. 他的许多画作都在美国国家艺术博物馆展出.


爱德华·米切尔·班尼斯特立志成为一名成功的艺术家,很大程度上是受1867年他在《esball官方网》上读到的一篇煽动性文章的推动, 黑人似乎对艺术有鉴赏力,但显然不会创作艺术." Ironically, less than a decade later, in 1876, 班尼斯特是第一位获得国家奖项的非裔美国艺术家.

“Streamside,” by Edward Mitchell Bannister
“Streamside,” by Edward Mitchell Bannister

Bannister was born in November 1828 in St. Andrews, New Brunswick, Canada. His father was a native of Barbados, West Indies. The background of Bannister's mother, Hannah Alexander Bannister, 他住在新不伦瑞克,班尼斯特认为是他培养了他最早的艺术兴趣, is not known. Bannister's father apparently died early, and after the death of his mother in 1844, he lived as a foster child with a white family in New Brunswick. 几年后,班尼斯特离开了寄养家庭,在海上找了份工作, as was customary for many young men from St. Andrews.

1848年,班尼斯特搬到波士顿,在成为理发师并最终学会绘画之前,他做过各种卑微的工作. 班尼斯特在波士顿工作室大楼画画,还参加了洛厄尔学院的几个夜校, studying under the noted sculptor-anatomist Dr. William Rimmer. 

班尼斯特在19世纪50年代和60年代的画作中只有少数幸存下来, preventing a stylistic assessment of his early period in Boston. 当班尼斯特住在波士顿时,他一定看到了威廉·莫里斯·亨特的巴比松画派,并受到他的影响。威廉·莫里斯·亨特曾在欧洲学习,并在19世纪60年代在波士顿举办了多次公开展览. 美国风景画家逐渐意识到,让-巴蒂斯特·柯罗(Jean-Baptiste Corot)创作的法国巴比松(Barbizon)画作中的简单质朴的主题和画风诗歌, 让-弗朗索瓦·米勒和查尔斯·弗朗索瓦·多比尼在19世纪中期.

Caption: “Portrait of Christiana Carteaux Bannister”
Caption: “Portrait of Christiana Carteaux Bannister”

On June 10, 1857, Bannister married Christiana Carteaux, a Narragansett Indian who was born in North Kingston, Rhode Island. The couple had no children. Christiana worked as a wigmaker and hairdresser in Boston, 她在罗德岛的背景可能促使班尼斯特一家从波士顿搬到了普罗维登斯, Rhode Island, in 1870.

Since Bannister's artistic studies were limited, it is remarkable, indeed, that within five years after his arrival in Providence, 他的一幅画被1876年费城百年博览会接受. 《贝博esball官方网站》获一等奖铜奖. 班尼斯特相当详细地讲述了法官们在发现班尼斯特是非洲裔美国人时感到愤怒,最初想“重新考虑”这个奖项. 然而,白人选手坚持这一决定,班尼斯特被授予铜牌.

Following the Philadelphia Centennial Exposition, 班尼斯特的名声越来越大,无数的委托使他能够把所有的时间都花在绘画上. He executed a large number of landscapes, most of which depict quiet, bucolic scenes rendered in somber tones and thick impasto. 而班尼斯特最初的影响可能源于威廉·莫里斯·亨特受巴比松启发的作品, 他的画反映了一个艺术家热爱大自然的宁静之美,并以现实主义的方式表现出来. 班尼斯特19世纪70年代中期的风景画通常是用大量浓重的浓彩画完成的,很少有细节. 它们还唤起了一种宁静的情绪,这成为班尼斯特风格的标志之一. 后来的19世纪80年代和90年代的风景画采用了一种更温和的浓色调,并松散地应用了类似于印象派技术的破碎色.

Caption: “Palmer River, by Edward Mitchell Bannister”
Caption: “Palmer River, by Edward Mitchell Bannister”

班尼斯特的许多风景都很小,而且随着时间的推移已经变得相当暗淡. His paintings contain no social or racial overtones, 在他的风景画中经常看到的小人物似乎是白色的. Although the majority of Bannister's paintings are landscapes, he also painted portraits, figure studies, religious scenes, seascapes, still lifes and genre subjects. Bannister was attracted primarily to picturesque motifs, including cottages, castles, cattle, dawns, sunsets and small bodies of water, 在他的作品中,他把自然描绘成一种平静而顺从的力量.

Untitled (Floral Still Life) by Edward Mitchell Bannister
Untitled (Floral Still Life) by Edward Mitchell Bannister

In spite of his limited training and experience, 班尼斯特是19世纪70年代和80年代普罗维登斯的主要画家之一. He was well-liked and respected by his fellow citizens. On Jan. 1901年9月9日,班尼斯特在参加教堂的祈祷会时去世. Shortly after his death, 普罗维登斯艺术俱乐部举办了一场纪念展览,展出了由普罗维登斯收藏家拥有的101幅班尼斯特的画作.

班尼斯特的坟墓位于普罗维登斯的北墓地,墓碑上有一块10英尺高的粗糙花岗岩巨石,上面刻着班尼斯特的名字和一根烟斗. 纪念碑上还装饰着一块铜牌,上面刻着一首诗, which reads in part, "This pure and lofty soul...who, while he portrayed nature, walked with God." Edward M. 班尼斯特是19世纪末唯一一位没有在欧洲接触就发展自己才能的非裔美国艺术家.